12. Apr 2023
The fourth conference in the “Digital Den Connects” series, titled "Synergies," brought together experts and venture capital funds from the United States, representatives from the U.S. Embassy in Montenegro and the Montenegrin Government, as well as the business, startup, and NGO communities of Montenegro.

At the start of the event, the founders of Digital Den, Darko Ivanović and Nenad Novović, presented the achievements and goals of the Digital Den startup hub, as well as the MOSS (Mountains of Opportunities and Sea of Success) brand, which promotes and showcases Montenegro as a land of opportunities and success.

Following the opening remarks, Ivanović and Novović presented certificates of appreciation to representatives of the largest Montenegrin companies that, through their pioneering ventures in December 2022, invested a total of €1.87 million in eight startups from the Digital Den portfolio.

Before the first panel began, Peter Adams, a representative from one of the largest U.S. funds, the Rockies Venture Fund, addressed the audience. He announced the opening of the first VC fund in Montenegro and expressed his strong belief in the potential that Montenegro offers. 

"MOSS is a way we can attract more people to Montenegro, draw in capital, and I deeply believe Montenegro can achieve this, thanks to Digital Den," said Adams.

The first panel featured representatives from the government, specifically the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science and Technological Development—Agron Ibrahimi and Nevena Radović, who played a direct role in implementing the Law on Incentive Measures for the Development of Research and Innovation. Before their speeches, Minister Biljana Šćepanović addressed the audience via video message.

In addition to government representatives, the panel also included members of Montenegro's business community, some of whom were investors in the Digital Den portfolio in December last year: Miloš Miketić from Addiko Bank, Ivan Petrović from Apex Capital Partners, and Miloš Komnenić from Komnenić & Associates Law Firm.

The general consensus among all attendees was that the law has successfully taken effect, and the startup community now has a clear future. The second round of investments is eagerly anticipated, and there is now strong collaboration between investors, the government, and the innovation community.

Presentations were also given by John Zozzaro from Funded House in Austin, who announced the arrival of 30 U.S. investors in September, and Jeremy Goldberg, Global Director of Infrastructure at Microsoft, who spoke about the importance of AI technology in solving everyday problems and building a bridge between large corporations and everyday users.

The second panel, in addition to startups, featured key messages from representatives of two Montenegrin universities—Dean of the Faculty of Economics Mijat Jocović and Head of the Entrepreneurial Nest at UDG, Marko Nišavić. They announced the creation of startup factories within the universities, which will later connect with the bridge that Digital Den is building.

The event was attended by about 100 officials, investors, innovators, and representatives of venture capital funds from abroad.