The Region
29. Jun 2022
The startup hub Digital Den, in collaboration with the U.S. State Department and under the Montenegrin Tech and Startup Bridge (MTSB) program, gathered the ministers of science and technological development, foreign affairs, representatives from the IT and business communities, the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica, as well as representatives and founders of regional accelerators who signed the accession document to the historic initiative, Balkan Ecosystem Startup Tree (BEST). BEST is a unique network of accelerators from the region with the goal of developing and implementing innovation and entrepreneurship.

Darko Ivanović, co-founder of Digital Den Hub, addressed the audience first, thanking them for their energy and time, stating that Digital Den is working to create a wide network of collaboration.
"Digital Den is something we dreamed of, put on paper, and then, with the understanding and friendship of the State Department, good relations within the Montenegrin IT companies, and the U.S. government as an ally, we succeeded. Now we have a regional network of startup incubators, with Montenegro at its center," said Ivanović.
He added that this is a historic moment since nothing of this magnitude had ever been done in Montenegro before.

Nenad Novović, co-founder of Digital Den, said that this event continues the journey they started.
“We should work together to overcome all challenges. Some steps have already been taken, but we hope that regional startups will expand globally. I encourage everyone to connect and cooperate,” Novović emphasized.

Biljana Šćepanović, the Minister of Science and Technological Development, thanked the organizers for all the events they have been organizing.
"We already had one of these discussions, and this is the second one during this period. I believe we will only move forward and take new steps. We have the Law on Incentive Measures for Research and Innovation Development, but it wasn’t fully utilized. We now want to make changes to this law and push it forward. We are here for all initiatives,” the minister said, adding that they have already launched new steps for startups, and apart from the law, they have other documents that form the legal framework.

Minister Šćepanović also highlighted the need for regional cooperation and that everyone should strive toward that.
“We cannot survive alone in this world. It’s natural that we cooperate, and I am pleased that we are doing so. We are here to listen to you, our partners in Montenegro and the region. We are on the right track and can work together,” Šćepanović concluded.

Foreign Minister Ranko Krivokapić said he was pleased to be part of this story and to support Digital Den’s activities that involve regional cooperation.
“You are making Montenegro recognizable in the world. Small countries tend to be more modern, and your modernization and approach are a good example for all of us. New Montenegro is a new era, but based on tradition. We are a small country with an open mind for the future. We are more agile and can adapt more easily,” said Krivokapić.

Humanitarian Hajriz Brčvak from Bijelo Polje said he was very pleased to be part of this story.
"In addition to Montenegro, we employ around 100 people in Bosnia and Herzegovina who handle administration. We have the knowledge, and we should use it in our country. This project is very important for the Western Balkans. We may not be able to execute something large in Europe, but we have the knowledge, and we can make it an export product,” Brčvak said.

The panel discussion on the topic "Implementation of Innovations (Needs, Wishes, and Initiatives): Differences Between Wishlists and Reality" involved representatives from the U.S. Embassy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Ministry of European Affairs, Innovation Fund, Montenegrin Diaspora Network/Good Network, Tehnopolis, ICT Cortex, Science and Technology Park of Montenegro, as well as representatives of Digital Den’s regional partners: Univerzum from Serbia, Foundation 787 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vigan Group from Albania, and the Comeunity Business Incubator from North Macedonia.

Bojana Femić Radosavović, Executive Director of the Innovation Fund, said that their organization was registered in September last year, and that they have already achieved a lot for the innovation ecosystem.
“We have close cooperation with the region, especially with the innovation funds in Serbia and North Macedonia. We are new, but we don’t see that as a problem, rather as an opportunity,” said Femić Radosavović.

She added that there are many opportunities to work together and that we need to stay connected.
“I think this is a good start for cooperative discussions between institutions, and we have many opportunities in the times ahead,” concluded Femić Radosavović.

Aleksandar Janičić from the IT community said that this event is the result of the hard work of Digital Den in trying to connect the region.
Janičić added that people with great ideas and new knowledge are needed.
“We want to invite people to work and present their ideas. Great things are yet to come,” he said.

CNN Japan founder and initiator of several successful startups, Kathryn McManus, said that she is very fond of the topic of innovation and was excited about this event.
"The connection that Digital Den has with the U.S. is fantastic. What’s very important is that when an organization decides to invest, it first invests in its team. Additionally, the support of journalists in what you do is crucial,” McManus said.

During the second panel, the BEST memorandum (Balkan Entrepreneurial Startup Tree) was signed, bringing together regional partners into one network, establishing further steps, and clarifying goals for a better perspective of the regional startup community.

The first signatories of the BEST network, alongside Digital Den as the initiator and central point of connection, are their regional partners: Comeunity Business Incubator from North Macedonia, Foundation 787 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Univerzum from Serbia, Vigan Group from Albania, and ICT Cortex from Montenegro.