Today marks the grand finale of the Startup Readiness Program, as a first part of our Acceleration Program, conducted in partnership with the Science and Technology Park. 

Over the past weeks, under the expert guidance of Stephan Botz from the Netherlands, our participating startups delved into five modules designed to sharpen their entrepreneurial skills. 

We are proud to announce that the top seven of the 15 program participants, whose startups are from the entire WB6 region, will join the Digital Den portfolio, advancing to our upcoming Acceleration and SoftLanding programs within the MTSB4 project

Through the program, participants have gone from defining problem statements to understanding potential customers, navigating the critical early stages of their journey with newfound clarity and direction. 

Huge congratulations to all the founders for their dedication and hard work. Stay tuned to see who will join our portfolio and be a part of the upcoming MTSB project!